How To Be A Strong Beautiful Author Like Carmen Capuano

This past week, I got the chance to interview Carmen Capuano, the screenwriter and author of The Owners series, Jig Saw Girl, and Split Decision. She writes drama, sci-fi, action, comedy, horror, and dystopian fiction. I can tell she’s hard-working, super talented, and I really don’t know how she does it all! Hopefully reading this will give you some inspiration and insight on what it takes to be just like her. Enjoy!

What do you do for a living?

“I write novels – everything from science fiction to thrillers and I also write for film and TV.  I’m very lucky that I get to do a job I’m passionate about.”

How long have you been pursuing your career?

“My first book was published in 2012 and I’ve been a full time writer pretty much ever since. At the last count I’d written 24 books and as many screenplays for films or TV series. I’m currently publishing my backload of books and republishing the ones I took back from my original publishers, as well as writing films and TV series on commission, and producing several films I have written.”

What advice would you give other people who also want to pursue the same career path?

“Because I’m rather prolific and write in different genres, I’ve pursued different paths within writing. I write my own films and TV work but I also take on commissions and I write books alongside all of these.  So the best piece of advice I could give someone starting out, would be to figure out where they want to be in ten years. Do they want to be writing for other people? Or just doing their own thing? The answer to that question will dictate in some way which path they should take.”

Have there been struggles that you’ve faced being a female writer? If so, please share and tell us how you’ve overcome or are currently dealing with it. 

“There’s a lot made of being a female writer today. For me it was totally different to how it is for younger women. I’m 54. I grew up in a time where it was hard for women to be taken seriously in many roles. Then as I reached my teens we had a female Prime Minister in the UK. That changed things a lot. But not necessarily in the right way, and I think it’s telling that England hasn’t had a female Prime Minister since. But I’ve been lucky in many ways. My early, impoverished life engendered in me a drive to succeed and an unwillingness to sit in the corner and be overlooked. It’s stood me in good stead. And maybe the fact that my generation were told women could do anything they chose, when the reality was clearly different, also spurred me on. People say I’m determined. I think I’m just consumed by the need to give voice and breath to my characters.  And to use them to do good in the world.”

What are some achievements that you are most proud of in your career and personal life?

“I’ve been a single mum to three children for the past thirteen years and I’ve rescued more animals than I could count. I’m not particularly good with people if I’m honest, but I’m fabulous with animals and saving animals is my biggest passion. In fact it’s one of the reasons I write. My big plan is to use the money I make to fund animal welfare and rescue centres across the globe. I’m not in the least bit materialistic and I see money as a route to effect change in society. That, when I’ve done it, will be my lifelong achievement.”

Where can we find your work and stay in touch with you?

“You can keep up to date with my work at and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And to see my available books (a new one is coming out very soon) take a look at : carmen capuano.”

Thank you for taking the time to share, Carmen!

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