How to Make DIY Potpourri With Rose Petals

Ever wandered into a room and felt instantly transported by a delightful aroma? That’s the magic of potpourri! In simple terms, potpourri is a mix of dried flowers, herbs, and spices that release a heavenly scent, turning any space into a fragrant oasis.

Making potpourri at home isn’t just a fun DIY project—it boosts your mood and also reduces household waste! I’m always looking for ways to reuse what I have; and since I recently got some lovely roses, I decided why not make potpourri at home? By the way, did you know you can send roses to your loved ones via Amazon? Click here!

Anyway, get ready to embark on a journey of scent-sational discoveries as we explore the art of potpourri making, its health perks, environmental advantages, and unleash your inner aromatic artist. Ready to sniff out some secrets? Let’s dive in!

roses for potpourri

The Art of Potpourri Making

Historical Roots of Potpourri

Potpourri isn’t just a modern fad—it’s been around since the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth! Okay, maybe not that far back, but you get the idea. Our ancestors were onto something when they started mixing dried flowers and herbs to freshen up their caves.

Modern-Day Relevance and Popularity

Fast forward to today, and potpourri is still as relevant as ever. In a world filled with artificial scents and synthetic fragrances, there’s something undeniably charming about going back to basics and crafting your own aromatic masterpiece.

Basic Components and Ingredients

So, what’s the secret sauce behind a killer potpourri blend? Well, it’s all about the ingredients, baby! A handful of dried flowers here, a dash of essential oils there, and voilà—your very own olfactory symphony!

Ever wondered why your potpourri keeps its scent for ages? That’s where fixatives come in. These little miracle workers lock in the fragrance, ensuring that your creation stays smelling sweet for months on end. And if you’re feeling fancy, why not throw in some extra embellishments? Think citrus peels, cinnamon sticks, or even a sprinkle of glitter for that extra bit of pizzazz. Hey, when it comes to potpourri, the sky’s the limit!

How-To Guide: Making Your Own Potpourri

potpourri rose petals

Step 1

Pick your petals! Whether it’s rosebuds, lavender, or even a sprinkle of chamomile, choose dried flowers and botanicals that speak to your senses. After 3 days of having my roses on display, it’s time to pluck the petals off the stem so they shrivel up and dry evenly for about a week. In order to save time, take the entire rosebud and lightly twist the petals away. They will easily come off and you can separate the them with your fingers as if you are uncovering the layers of an onion.

Once you’ve separated all the rose petals, lay them flat in an area where they won’t blow away. You’ll want to make sure most of the petals are still nicely colored in the beginning of the drying process. Feel free to throw away the ones that look too burnt and old. Now, we wait for 7 days. The petals should be nice and crisp with a natural color. Over time, the organic scent of your flower petals will come alive!

Watch my video:

Step 2

Next up, it’s all about adding that oh-so-important fragrance. Cue the essential oils! Just a few drops of your favorite scent can take your potpourri from “meh” to “wow” in no time. These little gems are like the glue that holds your scent together, ensuring that your potpourri stays fresher than a daisy for months on end.

Step 3

Last but not least, mix it up and stash it away in a cute container to let the magic happen. Now, for all you seasoned potpourri pros out there, it’s time to take things up a notch with some advanced tips and tricks. Ready to level up your scent game? Experiment with different combinations to create a symphony of smells that’ll blow minds and noses alike. Try your hand at natural colorants to add a pop of pizzazz to your potpourri palette. Think vibrant petals, earthy spices, or even a hint of beetroot for that extra oomph. Ta-da! You’ve just whipped up your very own potpourri potion.

Step 4 (Optional)

And hey, why stop at just smelling good when you can look good too? Get creative with your packaging! Whether it’s vintage jars, cute sachets, or even repurposed tea tins, the world is your potpourri-filled oyster.

potpourri in a jar

I had extra potpourri, so I put some in a mug as well for my sister’s room. It’s really easy to do and you won’t need to go to a craft store to buy materials.


From boosting our mood to reducing waste, it’s clear that the benefits are as abundant as the petals in our potpourri mix. So why not roll up your sleeves, grab some dried flowers, and join me on this aromatic adventure? Trust me, the journey is just as delightful as the destination. And hey, once you’ve crafted your masterpiece, don’t keep it to yourself—share the love!

Whether it’s swapping tips in the comments or posting pics of your potpourri on social media, let’s spread the fragrant joy far and wide. As we bid adieu, let’s remember that in a world filled with fleeting fads, potpourri remains a timeless tradition—an aromatic embrace that never goes out of style. So here’s to art making—may your homes be filled with love, laughter, and the sweet smell of success!

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